in 2025!
Are you ready to heal your unconscious patterns of stress, overwhelm, trauma, and emotional dysregulation, which may be causing you to live in survival mode in the form of fight, flight, freeze, or fawn?
When we learn how to develop a resilient adaptability to stress by building safety in connection to ourselves and others, we are able to shift our nervous system out of survival mode into safe social connection mode where we can experience expansion states of joy, gratitude, abundance, ease, flow, and self-compassion.
My clients are rapidly healing lifelong patterns of fight, flight, freeze, and fawn in leaps and bounds, “more than decades of therapy,” through my trauma-informed Embodied Paradise Method.
Book your FREE Coaching Consultation below so you can learn how to heal your unconscious patterns, achieve balanced health, and come back home to your authentic, sacred, joyful, elite self so you can finally feel…
Relaxed, resilient, and responsive to stress
Present with and grateful for your loved ones
Healthy, happy, and playful in every moment
Confident, creative, and connected to your authentic self
Vibrant, alive, and sexy in your skin
Successful and emotionally regulated as a parent, partner, and professional
How we can work together:
Click to book a Brainspotting Intensive Coaching Package to work with me individually through brainspotting to facilitate emotional healing and expansion and transform your patterns of stress, trauma, and dysregulation so you can create your own personal paradise and embody your elite self as a parent, partner, and professional in just 3 90 minute sessions.
Join our 2025 Mental Health Membership and receive monthly bundles of interactive on-demand trainings, activities to rewire your brain, digital workbooks, and other mental health support, like meditations, yoga, and breathwork for anxiety, as well as monthly group support circles and 1:1 brainspotting sessions to heal and unlock unconscious blocks so you can embody your best self in 2025.
Click to join our upcoming special events, including Yoga and Brainspotting Workshop , Break Up With Burnout Workshop, our Yoga Circle for Teen Girls Workshop, or book your own Women’s or Girl's Circle to build community, learn practical tools for mental health, stress management, and emotional regulation, and inspire healthy living through mind-body-spirit integration.
Click to join our virtual Mental Health Bookclub to support your mental health while building safe sacred sisterhood.
Click to learn more about my private individual and group yoga offerings, and check out our special yoga events.
Click to enjoy sample yoga nidra recordings, guided meditations, restorative yoga practices, and other resources in your own timing.
Click to purchase Affirmation cards, Workbooks, Retreats, and a Mental Health Bookclub from my online store just for you!

Kind Words