Tame Your Brain Virtual Retreat 1/22/23



Join Dr. Libby Kemkaran-Thompson and I this Sunday, January 22nd for a resolution reboot and total reset of body, mind, and spirit.

Are you struggling with setting a 2023 New Years Resolution? Don't worry, most people have trouble setting and fulfilling resolutions for 3 reasons:

  1. You're too focused on seeing immediate results. This means you are operating from a place of anxiety, so your brain is wired for immediate rather than delayed gratification.

  2. You struggle with self-doubt. Again, anxious overthinking puts you into your survival mode rather than safety mode. And it's difficult to believe in yourself when you lack a sense of safety within your mind, body, heart, and soul.

  3. You're outcome oriented (i.e. operating from a fixed mindset) rather than process oriented (i.e. operating

  4. from a growth mindset). This means you are focused on some far off destination rather than focusing on the big picture journey and the baby steps along the way.


Libby is a Leadership Neurocoach and Certified Flow Coach who founded her brilliant Tame Your Brain model to teach CEO's and top business owners the neuropsychology of success.

Libby will run the first half of the retreat from the UK in the wee hours of my morning in Hawaii and she will be breaking down her top neurohacks to REBOOT YOUR RESOLUTIONS, and then I will take over at sunrise to lead us through a sunrise oceanfront meditation, followed by an oceanside yoga flow, gentle restorative yoga, yoga nidra, and san kalpa (intention setting) practice to RESET YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM.

You don't want to miss this opportunity to rewire your brain and body for Elite Embodiment, balance, and success in 2023.

If you are longing to learn how to shift out of anxious overthinking autopilot mode into safe soothing social engagement mode so you can Create Your Own Personal Paradise by optimizing your nervous system to work smarter not harder in 2023, click the link below to learn more and register for our first ever TAME YOUR BRAIN FOR ELITE EMBODIMENT VIRTUAL WOMEN'S RETREAT!!!


It will be worth every penny. You are getting TWO top neurocoaches for the price of ONE!!

Tame your brain.

Reset your body.

Re-ignite your heart and soul.

All for Elite Embodiment.

Come home to your elite self in 2023.


Click below to purchase the recording!


Voices in Education: High Anxiety


Why I don’t Believe in New Year’s Resolutions